Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bailey: Friday Oct 4 (20 days later) / Saturday Oct 5 (day 2 of bow season)

     I'm like, clogged with details so this might be super duper longsies. I'm also watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (shut up Gilroy) so this may take longer than necessary haha. Have I mentioned yet that TWO of my roommates have not read the books or watched the movies? God is testing me, but I will remain strong. ...I can do all things through Shania, who strengthens me (lawlz). < See the problem with our correspondence being public is that when I say things only you understand I seem schizo.
     OKAY, so let's see where we left off. Oh gawd, the Colosseum was so far away. Urm, erkeh. Let's just start with photog-ical evidence. (Arthur Weasley just insulted Lucius Malfoy, ftw) 

      I'd like to draw your attention to the astonishingly alert llama-esque creature in the background. I finished (ish) Dombey and Son for my Dickens class and crushed an 8 page paper in 5 hours total. I went on a semi-intelligible rant about how one of the main female characters epitomized the Victorian female identity crisis, i.e. the struggle to develop a 'self' completely independent of the male-dominated conceptual framework they were restricted in. I didn't finish the book, and I'm such a citation snob that I got careless slumming it with MLA, so we'll see how it turns out. I mean, I'm me, and it was an English paper, so I'm not worried in the least. < I got called arrogant last night and I completely understand why. 
     Jennaynay turned 21 on the 18 (which we already know should be a national holiday since our most revered and favorite Edna was born on that day), and we had an adventure. We went out the night before (worst decision ever), went to get sammies on the Day, went to the Sexy Shop, and Sheryle, Nikki, and I surprised her with a Mexican feast... aka she cooked everything because she's our in house chef, but you know, we got the supplies and some dessert.

 < Before, how carefree and free-spirited. Idiots.

After >
Don't let those squinty eyes fool you, I was still drunk I'm pretty sure.

     Also, to distract Jenneya while Sheryle was getting her bday deserts I successfully got her to run around with the lamplighter and follow strangers around. Like, I thought she knew it was a distraction and was playing along, but NOPE. She was so creepy <3

      I'm not sure if I've introduced Sheryle yet but here she is! She goes to UGA, is called Jetlyfe, and cannot roll her r's to save her life. I'll put a video of that up later.

     I don't think anything else super epic happened in between then and my trip to Sorrento. A whirlwind of food, classes, and existential crises. 

< Stretching after our run. Dem baby horse legs.


Art Hist professor pointed me to the 'best Austrian bakery in the Jewish Ghetto.' That that can casually occur man. The top layer is a hardened caramel wafer, with chocolate creamy goodness. My life was changed with just one bite.

The Portico of Octavia, around the corner from the Theat're' of Marcellus. Roman theatres needed these so peeps could get air and stretch their legs in between acts (Romans were so needy). The Theatre is dedicated to Augustus's nephew, Marcellus, who Augustus tried to make his heir (by adopting him and marrying him to Augustus's daughter, Julia. Aka, INCEST). This portico is dedicated to Marcellus's mumsy pants, Octavia. Look at dem columns. Those are some nice columns.

 < Going out to this club Gilda, which was the fanciest establishment of the night that I've graced.

And this is what I woke up to the next morning. The ribbons add a nice touch. >

     The following week was mainly school work, not getting enough sleep, and living off of one cup of rice for like, three days. I made successful stir fry, found both hot and soy sauce, had a quesadilla thanks to Baby Horse, and procrastinated all of my papers so that I could die (academically, physically, spiritually) this past week. Procrastinating Bailey's a whore and she sucks.
     This past weekend was AMALFI COAST! YAY. We went to Vesuvius, Sorrento, Capri, and Pompeii. 

 < Jenneya tried taking the selfie.

My traveling provisions. >

 < "I'd rather pee in the woods than pee in a porta potty." I'm just not about that life.

Trekkin' up Vesuve, and reunited at last! >

     The tamed grey tank & Vesuve in the background. MG and I found a creepy Bluff-esque trail and found a really cool Paint Rock-ish overhang. Where we also found a seismometer, which MG was diligently searching for during the former half of our adventure. It was all right, I mean it was just really cool being able to see the Bay of Naples as opposed to looking into a giant grey ditch (#smuglyfe). It was eerily quiet too, like, we found the abyss hahaha.
     We then adventured to Sorrento! GORG. 

 < They have a Dali exhibition Oct. 13. 

We were so excited we found Amurca! >

I bought Lemoncello! Cause you know, this area's like, famous for their lemons or something (lawlz) so I thought it pertinent to dine on the local specialty. It was definitely a special night. We went to a bar (we being all the kids in my program, so the poor establishment was overrun by drunk Amurcans) and danced like there was no tomorrow. Poor Europeans, I believe we devastated that poor town.
 < Meet Nicollette! She's from Connecticut, doesn't wear pants (serioously, ever), and is going to get purple and red highlights when she returns to Amurca.

Meet Rob! He lives in Nebraska, watches Drunk History (ftw), and turned 21 like last night. >

To the midnight crepes!


     This place was amazing. I think MG are debating whether a commute from here to CofC would be possible. Please note the supa suave soccer team at the bottom right hand corner. Yawp.

Some day we will find normalcy, but that was not the day.

     Okay, we then took a boat ride to Capri (!!! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE BOATS) which was friggin' amazing. I got judged by virtually everyone around me because I couldn't stand to sit inside the boat as opposed to going on the deck and fan girling over the motion of the ocean. Plebes, don't understand how to live the smuglyfe. I eventually convinced Cat to go out with me and we saw dolphins (not exciting, I hate dolphins) and watched Capri loom in the distance. Supa casch. 

     Once we got to Capri we immediately got on another boat to tour the island and see the cliffs and grottoes. I LOVED it. Cat and I listened to Kid Cudi and I felt like a baller; I NEED to live here, it's essential to my well being.

     After the tour we had a few hours to run around the island. Cat, MG and I opted to go to Anacapri (involved taking the bus, yeesh), where there's a single person chairlift waiting to take you up a mountain to see the entirety of the port. It was so amazing. Beforehand, however, we feasted. And I got a clam pasta with wine, I felt like a flossy lady. My waiter told me to do it, and I trusted him. Therefore I had GREAT trip up the mountain. I believe I was swaying. 

< There was a mosaic ad for the chairlift, with a creepy Aryan woman waving at us while we ate.

     Once we got to the top it was freaky. There was fog everywhere so for like, five minutes we all thought we'd died on the chairlift and were in Heaven haha. It was amazing, and very Chanco-y. Like, I dug it. < I seriously have a way with words.

 < MG and I being creepy as all get out.

It was just so PRETTY. >

< Nicollette and I are in Atlantic History together and got way excited, cause we totes learned about the Barbarossa brothers. PIRATES.

MG was getting sunburnt, her final solution (lawlz Hitler humor) was to hike up her skirt and wear it as a cloak. Baggins status. > 

We're supa cute. The water was absolutely beautiful, but lemme tell ya the rocks on the beach were a PAIN IN THE BUTT. I slipped and died like five million times, it's a wonder I didn't break my face.

I'm gonna miss Capri, with all of its idiosyncrasies.

     We spent the night in Sorrento again, I forgot my allergy medicine and the commies were in the funhouse, so I spent the night in an angry ball of misery. The next day was better, we went to Pompeii! Warning: images to follow may contain explicit content, aka Pompeii's most famous red light district was the focus of our visit and man they're some kinky kids.

< Where gladiators trained; we saw little tiny cells where they kept them. #roughlyfe

The theatre, the white slabs are the original seats I believe. And from here you can Vesuve lurking. >

< Graffiti

Me paying attention. >


   The road system's legit. They basically made a 'river' road so they wouldn't get flooded, and it led the water down to the ocean. These stones were their stepping stones. 
     Also, I'm running out of steam and might be a tad more laconic. I just skyped Slayden too! We discussed the fact that MG and I are trying to get a pug named Napoleon (I'm pushing it) and that we're dressing him up like a frenchman. (I realize how ironic the juxtaposition of this passage is, let me replace 'laconic' with 'out of it')

      This is, stuff.


     More stuff. There many be a rogue pene picture somewhere, I can't find it.     

Makes me miss our mountains.

So legit.

Okay I just had dindin so I might be more wordsy.

     MG is here also, I heard our buzzer sound and monkey climbed out the window and saw her waiting. Did I mention her new apartment is seriously right down the street from me? Takes less than a minute. YEYEAH. 
     Okay, Wednesday night (with my history midterm due at 9 am and my Dickens paper due at 11) we went to a ballet! It was 'Coppelia,' which in story reminds me of that David Guetta song 'Turn Me On.' Relevant. Anyway, it's about a man who makes a doll (cause he's lonely, baby boy) and she's like, chillin' in his window. Well this other dude, let's call him Francois, falls in love with her (creeeepyy), but he's being lusted after this chick, let's call her Maria. So Maria's jelly of the doll (because it's so hard to figure out she's a doll I suppose) and breaks into the dollmaker's house (um, he can be Henry). Well, her and her other ballerinas get caught by Henry, she panics and hides and puts on the doll's clothes (cause this is a ballet and things make sense). Well, good ol' Francois breaks into the house too (how convenient) and gets caught by Henry, who then gets Francois drunk. This is where it got weird: Henry becomes super sorcerer and tries to bring his doll to life (who Maria is pretending to be) by taking the life out of Francois. As luck would have it, the doll comes to life (lawlz) but Maria's like panicking and trying to wake Francois up. They successfully escape after a really intense dance off leaving Henry with a creepy naked doll. The final scene is Maria and Francois getting married and Henry holding his doll, WHO BREAKS INTO PIECES. WHITNEY. IT WAS HEARTBREAKING. It was supposed to be funny but my god poor baby.
     The theatre was beautiful, and I felt so fancy. Like an aristocrat, actually. Tolstoy. Tolstoy was all I could think of, and I felt like a Rostov. 
     (It's totally Saturday now, I was busy being a baller)

We really know how to act like ladies at the theatre.



   Oh and one day Cat and Brent made crepes for the apartment, it was wonderful.

      Thursday was my Art History class, such a mess. We basically spent an entire hour running around the city because 1.) We had no clue where we were supposed to meet, 2.) My class ends at 12:45 and we have to meet at 1:30, and 3.) Where we were supposed to meet was closed. Such a dumb day. But I found the bakery that makes Colosseum bread. Win.


     We saw the Alter of Peace, dedicated to Augustus. It's general motif (thank you Professor) was that the peace the Romans were enjoying was due to necessary war (I believe I spit that word for word). So one one side of the alter you have Mars and Roma, military gods. On the other there's (presumably) Numa, the peaceful and anti-war king and this chick to the left, who's covered in plants and food so clearly she ain't about the fighting.

     This is the other side, with Roma. They only have a part of the original relief, which is basically a thigh and a little bit of armor. But there's a standardization of legendary depictions that allows the restoration peeps to be like "Oh, armor, clearly this chick's sitting on it, aka it's Roma." I like to this it's a very sophisticated conversation.

     Yeah, so I'm inside all day today studying and catching up on my reading. I just had a very energizing cup of coffee (I'm vibrating from the espresso) and get to delve into Dickens and pirate literature. #smuglyfe.
     Have I mentioned enough times how much I love your Eva project? I think it's amazing! Can I have a copy? I'm so including the photos in the book I write on her. We can make it a packaged set. When are you doing a project on me? I think we need to do some more creeping on that boy Casey's going on a date with, and I still can't believe our baby's a lady now! I'm officially on HP 5, have 5 books in front of me waiting to be read, and miss Charleston more than ever. Basically I just really want a pug.
On that note.

     BYE POOKY <3

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