Thursday, September 26, 2013

Attempt one: Powhatan, Saturday night, iPad.
I'm doing this on my iPad because I don't want to wait any longer. This will be interesting. I'm in Powhatan watching Project Runway. Funsies. Hmmmmm OH MY GOD IT'S BEEN OVER A WEEK I'M SO SORRY DON'T DISOWN ME.

Okay okay. Thursday happened. What happened Thursday? Dude, I don't even know.
Apparently I made van dykes.

Attempt two: 3AM Eastern, RVA
It's time you're updated on my life, dag nabbit. 
Thursday, September 12th: 
Last blog post. Meh review of Van Dykes, assigned new ALT project. Outscuttled a tornadic storm.



Friday, September 13th: 
I am having such a difficult time remembering Friday. What happened?
Saturday, September 14th: 
Spent the day trying to shoot for Van Dyke ideas, but ended up just shooting Casey in a wedding dress, which was still fun/silly. Mama and I went to Classic Touches, where she was having her Fall opening thing.



Before I left Powhatan: Mama interrogating Casey about a date

Casey dippin'

Went to Tim and Amber's while they impatiently await the arrival of the boychild. Took lots of pictures of Percy and Newton. Especially Percy. I got to feel the baby kick. He was excited about all of the lady attention. Their house/lives are adorable.

Percy begs for things. She thinks she's cute (she's right).
Newton doesn't beg, but nobly lies in wait.

Percy, after a long night of gaming.

Sunday, September 15th: 
I think work happened.

Monday, September 16th:

Funny cameras

Tuesday, September 17th:  
Had to have two van dyke work prints with negatives made for Alt. Had work. Starved.
I ran 3.8ish miles in this time

Wednesday, September 18th:
I don't really remember anything majestic happening, but I ate pasta with accidental extra meat at Noodles, and I got the iPhone update. I also wore white pants after Labor Day.
I don't remember this.

My scandalous post- Labor Day white pants

I made this.

Ew. Too much chicken.

First photo on the updated phone. Special.
Dat update.

I found someone's tripod and posed with it.

Thursday, September 19th:  
Showed teacher all three van dyke work prints. Didn't seem impressed. I wasn't either. Decided to shoot/collect new images at some point. Went to meet Justin to look at the underwater pinhole show. Saw a cute dog who wanted to come down and play.

That table I was telling you about

Justin looking at art

 There's a bit of a back story involved with this one. At this point I am literally crying watching Justin build a "loft" for his foam storage. Justin has the most endearing lack of proper forethought when it comes to matters of carpentry. It just makes me giggle and love him.
I thought this was funny.

Justin riding away. Bye Justin.

I stopped in to grab something. Boosh was lonely.

I bought folders

Friday,  September 20th: 
Class resulted in more doodles. Mama came up to bring my fancy printing paper and we got CanCan while I skipped Italian. WE ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO GO FOR BRUNCH WHEN YOU GET BACK. Up until 3am printing for EVA project. Made fair amount of progress.

Mama's spacious parking

Drying aprons behind The Eatery


Saturday September 21st: 
Ain't she cute?

Up again to print for project, unsuccessful wedding client meetup (I didn't even get the pie end of the deal), creep on Laura at the library and confess my missing of her face. Went home to shoot remaining photos for EVA project, Mama insisted on going to the pumpkin patch in the hour before it closes on a rainy afternoon. It went really well:

I was so excited because I remembered it

We were there less than 10 minutes and got no pumpkins.

Sunday, September 22nd: 
Wrapped up shooting for both projects after half-unexpectedly staying the night in Powhatan. Went to work and work was dumb as always. 
Thinking of you

Monday, September 23rd: 
Picked rocks out of someone's little rock bed to use for van dyke project (could I be any more of an art student). Printed a little more for Concepts, I think. Ate crappy food with swipes with Justin. Finished Van Dykes after having several spells of delusion in the darkroom area.

These are not pretty.

Tuesday, September 24th:  
Van Dyke crit went well! Went to work only for the power to go out. Within minutes of us getting to close down and leave, it comes back on. At least I had a burrito, slice of pizza, and two cookies with my $3 tipout. Tried to do a late-night final print of my THREE REMAINING SIDES OF PAPER. Printer puked on them (see bottom right of pramid above). I Tumbled until 2something and drove back to the apartment.

Wednesday, September 25th: 
Woke up at 10something and decided to finish my Concepts project. Started hand-writing captions and wasn't satisfied, so I cropped off the margins and shoved pretty paper in the hand-folded portfolio present style. Printed a pretty translucent front page. Voila.

 We didn't get to mine in crit though, so I have to wait until Monday. It's alright though because I still wanted to run it by my teacher, who really seemed to be impressed by it (WIN). Went to Digital and realized I didn't bring my print to class. Called up Justin to see if he could run to the apartment and pick it up for me. About 45 minutes later, my sweet, sweet, loving boyfriend made his second trip up to the photo building with the print after completely ransacking my personal life at the apartment. Then I took him to his parents' house to grab an extra set of car keys (which he had locked in his car earlier- this was not a good day for him). I took him out to eat at Belly Timber as a "Thank you for being the best"/ "Happy celebration of an insignificant milestone of our love (19 months)"
Dat lighting.

Shrimp something.


BBQ pizza <3

Thursday, September 26th (today):
 I woke up early this morning, moved my car, and decided I really needed to get this blog post finished. I used every spare moment I had to try to work on it. Went to Alt and got our newest assignment, which is based on text and the way it can contextualize an image. We had this fun little activity where we got to pick from her little collection of old prints and talk about what they were and if any text played a role in the image/how we would title it, etc. This was the one my partner and I chose, with the caption we fabricated for it:

Brunhilde with grandchildren Agnes and Astrid, 1897.

So, for our actual assignment, we are to take two different images and use one text for both, showing the different ways the text can contextualize them. For our phrases, the professor passed around a box of fortune cookies and we got to choose three. Of those three we can choose one fortune to apply to our images.

We'll be using cyanotype for the final piece, but as of right now, she just wants a mock-up of sorts. That will be interesting. We ended class early to go to a lecture by Doug Dubois. I really liked him. I will have to start sharing my little artists with you so you can feel snooty around "photographers" with your knowledge. 

 As a wrap-up, I have a terrible sleeping schedule, I only eat out if I eat at all, I'm laying on the floor among piles on unsorted nonsense and a cat sleeping on his back. I have has a cold or an allergy of sorts where snot literally just falls out of my nose and have used countless squares of toilet paper. I have a sink full of unwashed dishes, a bed with clothes and unused blankets tossed on top, and I'm wearing bathing suit bottoms as underwear today. I kind of made art though. Art student status: acquired. Okay, that's it for now.

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