Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bailey: Sunday Sept 8

     Pooookkkkyyyyyy waaaakkkeeee uuuuupppppp

     Cooommmmeeee oooonnnnnn

     Well, when you wake up I demand a skype sesh, cause we gots some things to talk about. Mainly future things, and how epic you're becoming with your life purposes. And also we're going to start planning our graduation trip (that I've decided is existing now) and where we're traveling to. Slash whatever happened to that bucket list we made that involved Jamaica? (I'm on my second cup of coffee, I'm not sorry)
     I read your tumblr post and I'm proud of ya broskit. I hope VCU sees it and asks you to be a motivational speaker. I like the project idea, but I really think you need to make a side project with Casey's face on Eva's head. The world needs this, Whitney. And then I'm gonna need you to do the same with Bob and I; I have this theory that if you put my face on his head or vice versa we would look the same. Anyway, I creeped on Courtney Johnson's website and I didn't get it at first but when I realized it was an underwater pinhole camera I was impressed. It went from "... Art..." to "Ahhh." I'm partial to the Outer Banks one, but some of the ones you got pictures of I don't think are weird. This is such a big step. OH, which brings me to my important announcement! I FOUND ART I LIKE. More on this later, but be prepared Whitney, it finally happened.
     Okay, so we had our excursion to Tuscany this weekend. We took off Friday for Montepulciano, went to Castiglion Fiorentino, went to Cortona Saturday morning, then ended our trip in Fonteverde, where we got to go in thermal baths for rich people. Well, the beginning of the trip was off to an awful start. Thursday night I went out with Jenneya et al and, well, it was rough.

I think I'm justified in saying I looked janky. Look at that right eye; like, it looks like I have a lazy eye. I was supposed to wake up at 5:45 to shower and get ready before meeting at 7 am, but since the alarm didn't go off I shakily arose and stumbled around my life at 6:30. I didn't even have the strength to put my contacts in. I poured myself onto that bus and tried not to puke. I will never drink before a trip ever again, especially when I have to be on a bus for three hours. Lesson learned, lesson learned.
     BUT, one very awesome thing that hungover Bailey totally forgot was that MARY GRACE was also coming on the trip! About an hour in her program met up with ours so we sat and gossiped the rest of the way. It was fun, we got to act a fool and talk about American things. I resent myself for this but I left my phone on the bus so I didn't get any pictures from Montepulciano, which was amazing yet steep, but Ima give you a run down of our activations. We saw old stuff, went on a tour of wine cellars, and had a wine tasting. For the record, going on a wine tasting while possibly still tipsy is not as fun as it sounds. The wine tasted gross, the only food they really offered with it was meat and bread, so I spent the whole time eating bread and drinking the water that was mainly meant to "cleanse the pallet." Velcome tooo Amerrriiccaa (bridemaids voice). We had dessert wine with dark chocolate, and my oh my that was my jam. 

     We hopped back on the bus and spent another hour traveling to Castiglion Fiorentino, where I had access to my camera, and many adventures with MG. For lunch we went to a pizza place (where I bravely sipped on water without swaying too much) and an old local man started chatting MG and Jenneya up. I have a video of them trying to talk back to him in Italian (cause God knows I ain't caught on yet) but I'll have to put that up lata. 



And after. Thank you pizza lady, thank you.

     This is just going to be a lot of photos, which I figure you'll enjoy more than words, but just be prepared for the onslaught with minor interruption.
     Mary Grace and I found a playground on our travels-


     You'll notice her gorgeous thumb, which actually shows up all over Italy. Dem skillz. I swear, it's so hard living life without my personal photographer. We ended up seeing some really pretty views, because we kept climbing higher and higher up the mountain (a-derr). We ended up at this beautiful little park area with a FOUNTAIN that had ART IN IT (caps mean foreshadowing, I'm not sure if you'd caught that).

Idnit cute?

Dat view, man, dat view.

FOUNTAIN WITH ART. The cube makes me think of your cube, maybe that's why I like it.

AWWWW. I love how easily my brows express my sarcasm and irony for any given picture.

     We were told that Castiglion FIorentino was a medieval town, but the only medieval part I could see was a tower like, fathoms away in the distance. MG doubted our ability to make it there but we accidentally manned the journey. We also found this church, where we began the makings of a short film. I have to get you to teach me how to edit things so I can eventually put it out into the world. We are some classy actresses, lemme tell ya.

Pieve di San Giuliano, aka "Sanctuary"

We then adventured to the legit medieval part, where we got to frau about and embarrass ourselves (mainly myself) by performing more theatrical pursuits with a little too much commitment. AND WE SAW A RAINBOW.

Dat Jesus ray

Hotel decor
     It was awesome sauce. That night, while everyone else was out at a salsa club, I stubbornly attempted to do some reading for homework, failed, and went to bed at a luxurious 11:00pm. How refreshing 7am can be when you're not tired/hungover. 
     So Saturday we left for Cortona, which is where "Under the Tuscan Sun" and part of "Life is Beautiful" were filmed! I've only seen the latter and the theatre scene was in Cortona, so ya, Principessa I got you. We explored a lot, took a lot of pictures (on MG's phone), and I had THE BEST lunch (aka dessert) of this fig and pear pastry. My menu skillz did not fail. We got to see the church of St. Francis there (I thought of Mema and our little St. Francis area at church), and it had his tunic and a vaguely important throw pillow. 
     The climax of the Cortona trip was the abundance of art galleries. I stumbled upon the sculptor who did the fountain nymph as MG refers to it (in British accent), and I lerved it. There was a small sculpture that was only 6 euros (it was amazing, little baby fig tree with people stuck in it) but of course, I left my wallet on the bus. The artist's name is Andrea Roggi, and his website kind of lacks luster so I refuse to include it, but I got some booklets (for the both of us) and when we skype I'll flip through some. INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH, he got an award from the legitimate Spoleto festival, which is the festival that chose Charleston as its sister city to share the funsies of art. 
     Well, after exploring and fangirling over his gallery, Cat and I found this gallery that not only had art BUT PAPER. LIKE FANCY PAPER. I was in heaven. There were hand made books too (which I could easily have surpassed) and a light up well with koi in it. I loved it, it was amazing, mainly because of the paper but the pretty artsy things were amiable. 
     After Cortona we headed to Fonteverde, where the best spa in Europe is located. We went into the natural thermal baths, which were supposed to make us healthy and beautiful I'm pretty sure, but it was so friggin' hot I doneveno how people were standing it. You could even drink the thermal water from a fountain, but it smelled like sulphur and made me feel like I was drinking the inside of a crystal ball. Anyway, the highlight was the fact that we got giant plushy robes, which of course made me look like a baby Michelin man.
     So yeah, that was my amazing trip to Tuscany, and I lerved it. There were sunflower fields everywhere, seriously everywhere. And the view was so purdy, but really all I could think of when I saw the vast stretches of land was, "Man, I could really tear that up with my fourwheeler."
     I have a few parting photos for ya:

Read closely...

     Today's my lazy day/catch up on the homework I neglected day. If I'm feeling ambitious or motivated at all who knows, maybe I'll shower. But hey, skype sesh no wiggin'. 


PS- I'm holding you to what you agreed to last night. I need to find clerical robes. And maybe a hat. Also, someone's playing the violin outside my window. They're gonna have to deport me I don't think I can leave.

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