Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bailey: Tuesday Aug 27


     It's 10:42 in the grand city of Rome, though my phone's clock still proclaims the time of the eastern coast of Amurca. It gets confusing, but I'm too lazy to fix it, because Amurca. 

Dat airport.

     OKAY, so the flight. The flight. Philly was fine, though I was convinced the plane was gonna just bash into the ground at every jerk seeing as the plane was the size of a green bean. When we got there I had to take this janky shuttle to the other end of the airport so I could get to my terminal. I got a nice look at the butt end of a lot of planes. And I had some creepy bald man with tattooed fingers standing far too close to me. I was uncomfortable. When I got to my gate I was under the impression my flight was to leave at 6:15. 6:00 came, and passed. 6:15 came, and passed. Two short vibrations alerted me to the fact that my stupid flight was delayed till 7, all because they had to change the right wheel of the plane. Well bull honkey on that, because we didn't board the goddang plane till 7:30 and take off till 8:30! MY LEGS WERE SO CRAMPED, WHITNEY. SO CRAMPED.
     I watched part of Australia until my eyelids kamikaze'd and I fell asleep, for a pathetic two hours. I spent the rest of the flight trying to not have a hemorrhage in my knee (which I'm not sure is possible but I'm pretty sure it was happening) and was fed a measly muffin top for breakfast. I'm sorry, do I look like I can subsist on a MUFFIN TOP? NO, US AIRWAYS, NO I CANNOT. At least it was lemon.
     After departing the plane I confronted the rest of the JCU kids and tagged along with them, since, you know, I had no idea where or what I was doing. I met two girls who were just delightful; they like Harry Potter, and honestly that's all I needed to hear to cement the friendship feels. They were in a different program, so I made my lonely way to the API group where I met my new friend, Cat. More on her later.
     We eventually left the airport around 1, 5 am your time I believe, and traveled forth to our hotel lodgings. I'm staying with my apartment mates, conveniently located right next door to none other than Ohio's famed Mary Grace CarrEEEYYY. (That seemed necessary, it sounded legit in my head.) I know, I know, we all missed her. She leaves for Tuscania tomorrow but I get her back next month (I think). After our brief reunion I reluctantly trudged to the orientation meeting, which was long, boring, and ill planned. Shoulda done it after dinner, when my stomach would not be interrupting things by growling. Seriously. 
   On to dinner! We roamed through Rome (I'm using this word play a lot in the future, be ready) until we found ourselves at a small restaurant with an authentic Italian name which probably was the name of the owner, you know, how restaurants usually are. I was the lone vegetarian and kept getting trays of fried vegetables and cheese. I was okay with that. We had antipasto, (we're pretending I know how to speak Italian) which for my peers consisted of a salami slice, prostitute (<<  HAHAHAHAHA that's auto correct's suggestion for my misspelled prosciutto), another slice of meat, bruschetta, a ball of mozzarella, and three olives. I received a weird fried smorgasbord of vegetables, fried cheeses, and bruschetta. It was delish. For first course we had pasta, mine was cheese their's had bacon I believe. Second course was grilled vegetables for moi and veal for the rest. Dessert- unknown yummy goopy thing. Next time I'll remember to take pictures of my food homes, I gotchu.

     These are the fancy bottles our water came in, it was super legit. And that's Cat, we like her. She's from Jersey but doesn't speak or act like the average Jerseyan, and she likes cars. More on her when it's not on the public interweb, we'll keep it between us and the NSA. I'm nice and stuffed on my cot in the hotel listening to Lil Dicky (like a boss) and have to wake up at 8 tomorrah. Move in day! Just you wait for my next letter, it'll be epic.


Roommate # 1: Nicole, from Massachusetts and likes bruschetta.
     I like the way you handled your project, Casey is an accurate emblem of the suffrage ideal. Kind of. I approve of your Concepts professor, clearly he has it all figured out. Tell J-Bro I said "haayyy" in a Kip-esque voice. You and emus man, you and emus.

-Booboo out

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