Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bailey: Saturday Aug 31

Pooks "~"

     Dear god I don't think I've laughed that much, hahahaha you and Casey are my most favorite disturbing  people. Like just all of the awkwardness happens, it exudes, it just freaking exudes man. I also dig the ghetto picture by number you provided, good thing you're not going to be an art teacher (too soon?). The van dykes look awesome! Which three did you choose? Not that I think the one of us should be one of those chosen, but Whitney. *bridesmaids stare* Choose wisely. 

     Your poos < hahaha "poor" shoes. Good job! On running, not having old man sneakers. Mine are well past their prime and need to be replaced, Justin. Also, socks, Justin. I'm going on a run tomorrow with Cat in a park down the way and may try to take running selfies for you. Maybe a video if I'm feeling daring, but I have a feeling my lack of coordination will create traffic problems. 
     Erkeh, so a lot of things terdeh. And yesterday. Right now I've got the TV on and it's playing an Italian sitcom, I don't get it. It's distracting me so this might be incredibly disjointed. Yesterday I had more boring orientation things, had more runny eggs, gossiped in Italy, so it's better than Amurcan gossip (but not better than Amurca), and had a nice nap during nationwide nap time. I learned Italian, learned how to tell people I'm Canadian instead of Amurcan (because who hates Canadians? Hmm?). I tried really hard to put a rolled 'r' in a word and dear god, if any Amurcan was singled out for butchering Italian into a bloody corpse, it's me. But now I have your lesson! So maybe I won't scare people. 

 SO, the exciting part that has pictures: we went on a tour of the historical center of Rome! You know, the whole reason I'm here to see old stuff, well it happened! We left from our Tiber campus (where I have 3 classes) and crossed the Ponte Sisto, the bridge commissioned by Pope Sixtus IV (the one who also commissioned the Sistine Chapel). We made our way down to the Santa Maria Dell'Orizione e Morte, which has fancy skulls on its frontal parts. It's like a church for dead bodies that no one knew what to do with, haha, but it's pretty.

     Next stop was through the courtyard of the Museo di Roma, where we saw these beautiful sculptures but for the life of me I can't remember what they were called/who sculpted them. Lemme google that real quick. But here are three:


      I'm too lazy to research more, slash I can't find anything, but I do know the two on the left are Jesus and John the Baptist depicting J-Man's baptism. I was in awe, they're so friggin' purdy. And please excuse my bad photog skillz, I was unable to convince my usual photographer to make the trip with me.
     After the Museo we trampled through the masses into the Campo di Fiori, where the hooded monk resides. Cat tells me Assassin's Creed and Signor Giordarno Bruno have commonalities. But he's a heretic monk who got burned alive, and the piazza was the normal place for executions. You can just feel the dead people, it's cray and unsettling. This area is where the market is, where they sell food and flowers and fun stuff. We hit it after they closed everything down but I'm planning on going again to get an onion.

     We then entered Piazza Navona, where the cool stuff is. Like, if I could marry a square, and like, have smart cultured, historically rich babies, I would in a heartbeat. Not only does it contain two fountains, but Borromini's church is here. Like, dude. The old stuff. Okay, first fountain we hit was the Fountain of Neptune, or Fontana del Nettuno. I didn't get a good picture of it but there are mermen. So you bet your bottom dollar pictures will come. You know how much I love mermaids. The second fountain, which makes my heart a-flutter, the Fountain of Four Rivers, or Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi. IT COMBINES GEOGRAPHIC ALLUSIONS AND ALLEGORY AND ARCHITECTURAL FINESSE. I LOVE IT. It's beautiful, it's just what I want my kids to be like. If they were fountains.

The Ganges, holding an oar. Because it's the Ganges. And it's like, navigable.  The one to the left, the Danube. Touching the Papal crest because it's in Europe, and Europeans are notorious for being elitists. Hehe, get it?
MY FAVORITE, the Nile. He's hiding his head because (my tour guide Valentina says)  the Europeans had yet to discover where the Nile made berth. I think you can only say that in pertinence to boats, but whatevs.
To the right is the Rio de la Plata, representing the Americas. Roman legend says he's shielding himself because he's afraid the church in front of him will fall. More on that later. 

     Actually now- so you know how Bernini and Borromini like, hated each other and how Rome's like their Baroque play ground? Well Borromini built the church, Sant'Agnese in Agone, which has pictures following. The Roman legend tries to say Bernini was making fun of Borromini's skillz, but please, the church was finished after the fountain. Valentina, do werk. Now, the Sant'Agnese in Agone is beautiful. I went inside today with Cat and Becca (the new friend you'll soon see) and sadly pictures weren't allowed. I TOUCHED HOLY WATER. AND LIT A CANDLE. I ACTED CATHOLIC. Mema will be so proud. Anyway, here's le church:


And here's Becca! We like Becca.

     And here are some more from Piazza Navona:

There are people in the black thing.
     Then we headed to the Pantheon, which was old, and had an open hole in the dome. So to fix the whole drainage ish when it rained through the dome hole, they had holes in the floor to keep that bad boy not flooded. Also, totes was like thisclose to Rafael's tomb. Woop WOOP. That doesn't translate well to text. We also went to another old place. Yep, dem specificities. I can't remember what it was but it showed the difference in land levels between ancient Rome and this period not ancient Rome. It was cool. If you're diggin' it. ...Hehehe, diggin' it. Shut up, Whitney. The bridge, the bridge shows the levels. ^ Dem levels.
     SO ON TO THE TREVI FOUNTAIN. DUDE. It wasn't as wonderful as my betrothed < Freudian slip, beloved Four Rivers, but it was awe-strikin'. I could stare for hours, and one day I will. You know the deal- throw in one coin you're coming back to Rome, throw in two and you'll fall in love with an Italian man. Ya, I'm planning on saving two very special coins. I should throw them soon so I can get married before I come home.


     Then we wandered around some more and my feet hurt, and my hot cakes are now worn thin. But we eventually made our way back and I had another nap I'm pretty sure. Then Jenneya and I went out to venture into the nightlife. You already know most of what went down, but I may not have mentioned that we were carrying a wine bottle around with us as we walked to the clubs. Very casual. Very Amurcan. Also wore heeled shoes on the cobblestones, I'm almost a Roman woman! Yeahno. Today I explored with Cat and Becca, learned more Italian, saw more things, got more lost, and ate more pizza. I am now exhausted and have to get up at 6:30 am (12:30 am your time, durr) to go to Becca's host brother's confirmation at a legit Roman church with legit Romans who are legit Catholic. Ima wear ma momma's skirt and look like a lady, and then I think I will eat. Now, more pictures of random things:


Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with red pepper flakes, oregano, and grated parmesan.
Shrimp and potato pizza, seriously, probs the best pizza I've had yet.

     Okay, I have some videos but I'll put them up tomorrow. Also tell Sarah she needs to put our pictures up because I need to revel in my beauty. Our* beauty, sorry. OH and is the Alchemy coffee place in a trailer, the answer to this question is very important. Slash I wanna go there ASAP upon my return. And Lamp Lighter/Spoon House whatever it's called. K NIGHT POOKY <# < Yup.


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