Saturday, August 31, 2013

Whitney: Saturday, August 31

Boo Boo, 

FINALLY I WILL UPDATE YOU. I have the day off today, so I should have time to write down some of the prepared. Many photos. 


Went to Shafer before class. 

Left: surprisingly delicious chipotle chicken tortilla soup; Right: other stuff.

Also got a coupon from a guy who looked like Jack Johnson & his adorable free spirit of a daughter.

Obviously, I was okay with this.
Alternative Processes:
We were to bring in 10 "photographic" objects that had some value to us. By photographic, she meant anything that had a photo of some sort on it. Basically. 

These were my ten objects:

a. Photo booth strip of Sarah and I at the country wedding
b. The most adorable picture of Justin at 4.5 years old
c. The one photo of Mama I have that looks artsy and she hates (because it is a picture of her)
d. Reject Polaroid from one of Sandy's cameras
f. School ID (worst photo ever)
g. Passage book
h. Susan Worsham show card thingy
i. Maddie on Things
j. Woman King vinyl
k. (not an object, but looked good there) sketchbook

We talked about 3 of our objects and went around the room. It took forever, but yeah. I liked my objects. I think they're pretty legit. We will be making van dykes (google it) next week, so that's perty cool. I had to carry around the vinyl and didn't realize I matched it perfectly.

I went running after class. 3.82 miles in 35 minutes. I'm getting a little better. The store was my halfway point. Justin determined my shoes are reaching their last hoorah. 

Senior citizen shoes
 Worked 5-close. Not terrible. Made monies. 


Art History was boring. I was a general failure at Italian. I'd like to forget about that time.
Moving on.

Tried to Skype you, didn't really work. Justin tried to herd me out the door as I gathered things. 

We stopped at Italian Delight (legit)

We met up with Casey and Gracie, who were at the farm shooting for their 
HONORS PHOTO CLASS (whoot whoot). I gifted her with Dee Sixty.
It is love.

So, this is going to be the part where you get entirely too many animal/Justin/Casey pictures.
Otis and his donk.
A weird stock photo of Justin.


Casey, being generally unsettling.

Doodle being random in a field.
Otis not eating Justin.

THE Mama of all Darlene's running horses, derping.
Nosie being a lady.


Then, it was dinner time.

Kabobs, man.
After dinner we watched Red Eye. Not bad. Pretty dramatic. Then Casey and I argued, as sisters do. I got angry and stormed off to be a hermit IN THE ROOM EVA CLEANED FOR ME. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. SHE HASN'T DONE THAT SINCE I WAS LITTLE AND IT IS AMAZING AND WE SHOULD ERECT A STATUE IN HER HONOR BECAUSE OMG.
I sulked and then had midnight snack/gossip time with Mama. Fell asleep to Duck Dynasty.

 SATURDAY (today):
Justin almost had to physically drag me out of bed at 6:30 this morning, because Powhatan had a race: The Village Run Four-Miler (formerly 5k)
Justin winning.
 His time was 22:01 and he was barely winded. He even had lasagna belly and rocked it. Everyone in
Powhatan was kind of confused, because well, Justin is a stranger who showed up to smoke everyone in this 4 mile race.

Justin & Uncle Rick, because Justin's a winner.

^ Me riding on Justin's success. <3

That's all as of 1PM. I'm sure I will have more exciting things to tell and show you as the week goes on. I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GOOD 7PM :)

the fonts are being weird right now

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