Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bailey: Friday Aug 30


     At least here in Rome it's already Friday, I just snuck out with my roommate Jenneya to grab some midnight pizza. We enabled each other, it was awful and deviously delightful all at once. I had fungi pizza, which clearly was mushrooms, but dear god the savory deliciousness! I'm gonna end up living off of pizza and gelato, at this point that's all I want out of life.
     Okay, so I moved in yesterday. I live on a beautiful road called Via Luciano Manara, and have Rhett and Scarlett looking at me out the window, so I know I'm right where I'm supposed to be >:)



     Dere it is. Our pillar's 500 years old, nbd. Our washer's in our kitchen under the sink, we have an electric stove (AHHH), and there's a slope in the shower to where I'm convinced I'm gonna slip and bash my skull into the wall. And we have a lovely window, too, so if we feel like talking to the neighbors while showering we have the option. Thank God.
     Let's see, last night Jenneya and I got lost trying to find Cat's apartment and ended up just eating pizza in the Piazza Santa Maria, which is conveniently located very near to our apartment. Last night I got the freshest pizza I've ever tasted and my first BEER. I BOUGHT A BEER. I'm like, a lady now.

Perooooni. Say it like that.
     We ate and watched some street performers. I'm pretty sure these gymnast girls were gypsies, well I hope they were because I just really wanna see a gypsy. 

Santa Maria church

Dat Fountain

     If you look towards the right slope of the fountain steps you'll see our nomadic landmark. We saw him sleeping in several different places, I've come to rely on his existence. I'm not too sure if he's a he. 
     Today was tons of forms and waiting in line to get college stuff done. I had awful coffee, awful eggs, and the best olives in our school cafe. During our scheduled metro tour, Cat and I instead left to explore and went grocery shopping. You of all people would most enjoy my trip, and dear god I wish you could be here if only to buy food with me! Haha, I mean, what else would we do? Okay, things I bought today:
fresh parmesan, mozzarella, and swiss, fancy lady bread, four packages of pasta, pesto, eggs, coffee, four things of yogurt, salad, apples, grapes (the biguns, like from the Charleston market), mayonnaise (hush), butter, oregano, red pepper flakes, & three tomatoes.
     This was all for 28 euros, roughly equalling 38 American dollars. And all of it was fresh, like the cheeses were the fancy gourmet cheeses we always try to buy, and the most expensive thing was the parmesan at 2,98 euros. I. Love. Rome.

My mini dinner of grapes and parmesan. I may be gnawing the block of cheese. I regret nothing.

     Tomorrow I should be going on a tour of Ancient Rome so I will have some good pictures for ya then. Bahaha daddy would clean up after you. I need to start running or something, will all this pizza I'm sure I'll sport a nice pizza gut. Cat is determined we will get "sickfit" this semester, I like her. I'll let you know how running on cobblestones goes, let's see how long till I break my ankle. Dude, why does Boosh look like a model? I like the second pictures of him, how he's literally the only thing in focus. Like, remember that time your camera focused on the one fountain fixture two hundred yards behind your head? Yeah, this camera should know better, haha. What was your assignment for digital printing? Carol, get yourself together. Hurry up and teach me Italian! I swear I haven't used it once yet. I whispered mi scuzzi to some pedestrian and felt like a pedophile, but really it was accent insecurity. 

     Cat and I went and got crepes at a crepe and gelato place. It took all of my self control to not order gelato, too, but next time, next time we'll see who wins.

The view from Cat's room. She's got a lanai. Not even fair.

     I'm pretty sure whatever monument or background will be lost when photographing the bicycle. Hehe. Okay, I'm going to sleep, I have a big day and runny eggs to get to at 8:15 (2:15 am your time, ouch). Night Pooky! MAKE GOOD CHOICES TOMORROW <3


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